Monday, July 23, 2018

Air yang jernih mungkin sudah jadi panorama yang biasa. Tapi, 5 danau di berbagai belahan dunia ini, berhasil menghipnotis wisatawan dengan panorama aneh yang dimilikinya. Mulai dari yang bisa berubah warna, memiliki corak polkadot, sampai punya pulau-pulau yang bisa bergerak sendiri. Bila agan- agan sekalian penasaran coba saja ke 5 danau ini.
1. Danau kembar 16 di Kroasia
Mungkin Anda sudah...
Wednesday, July 18, 2018

Apakah sebenarnya kriptografi itu? Kriptografi adalah ilmu mengenai teknik
enkripsi dimana data diacak menggunakan suatu kunci enkripsi menjadi sesuatu
yang sulit dibaca oleh seseorang yang tidak memiliki kunci dekripsi. Dekripsi
menggunakan kunci dekripsi mendapatkan kembali data asli. Proses
enkripsi dilakukan menggunakan suatu algoritma dengan...
Monday, May 7, 2018

Who is the figure of the hero? Gives historical background
My hero is a parent is better known as mom and dad. They were both born in bogor but their age difference is very much that is nine years. My dad had five younger brothers and four sisters. While my mother had one older brother and sisters and three younger sisters....
Monday, April 23, 2018

I will explain about some of the solutions that the world do to end world hunger. From the various articles I have read on various online media solutions that has been done to end hunger one of which sustainable development goals or SDG's which has been legalized by the United Nations.Document SDGs memorable like a massive responsibility. In fact, global food...
Sunday, March 11, 2018

My full name is Rico Prayoga. You guys can
call me with call rico or iko. I was 22 years old. I attended the
Gunadarma university lectures at the Department of information systems. My main
goal is to continue to improve my faith better themselves and also boasts of a
parent. I also wanted to be a programmer...
Monday, January 1, 2018
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